ENGIE Innovation

ENGIE Innovation

Innovation is one of the fundamental pillars of our corporate strategy as a means of meeting the challenges that building the future imposes on society. In making the transition to a low-carbon economy - promoting environmental, social, and economic gains - we need to develop new ways of producing, working, conserving the environment and relating to one another.

In a collaborative way - combining science, technology, and human capital - ENGIE's activities of innovation focus on solutions in distributed and shared energy resources, energy efficiency, renewable sources and smart cities, among other topics related to the segments in which we operate. Our global presence in more than 70 countries ensures ENGIE's expertise in developing, promoting, and supporting disruptive ideas around the world.

Shared challenges

ENGIE believes in the potential of collaboration to generate innovative solutions. That is why we foster cooperation internally, between our units and teams, and also externally - through effective integration with other players in the ecosystems in which we operate. Companies of different sizes - from the gigantic to startups - entrepreneurs, students, researchers and universities are among the players with which we share our challenges in order to find the best solution together.

Incubation and acceleration programs for startups, partnerships, research and development activities and the promotion of related events are among the mechanisms we adopt to innovate in an open, intelligent, and exponential way. And in this way our network of builders is created, dedicated to developing new solutions and sustainable businesses, aligned to the purpose of promoting a positive impact in the world.

Open Innovation

The opening to collaboration is a part of the ENGIE way of innovating. Thus, we keep connected to other companies, especially startups, as well as teaching and research institutes, entrepreneurs and other players in the innovation ecosystem. See below our open innovation platforms.


ENGIE is part of Link Lab, a program which seeks to bring large companies and startups together for maximizing synergies in the development of innovative projects. Spearheaded by the Catarinense Technology Association (Acate), the initiative is instrumental in the Company meeting the challenges of innovation with greater velocity while startups have the opportunity to become better acquainted with our market and to generate new business.

ENGIE Innovation

To meet the global challenges, solutions without frontiers. Reinforcing its commitment to open innovation, ENGIE maintains an international platform for capturing projects, in which companies and entrepreneurs are able to propose innovative solutions which contribute to overcoming the challenges of the businesses in the areas of interest to ENGIE. Suggestions may be submitted spontaneously upon the initiative of the proponent or in response to calls for project proposals issued by various units of the Group worldwide.


The Research & Development (R&D) model adopted by ENGIE seeks to contribute to the Company’s sustainable development through projects focusing on operational efficiency and the creation of new products, services, or businesses. In addition, the model underscores our commitment to driving the country’s scientific and technological growth aligned with the strategic interests of the sector.

R&D in numbers

Annual budget for application in projects

R$21 million

in 2022

More than

190 projects


investment of

R$ 220 million

in projects since 1998

Internal Innovation

INOVE Program

An initiative for encouraging our employees to put their ideas down on paper and creat new products, services or improvements in administrative or operational services. Participants are rewarded, receiving virtual currencies – from the moment of enrollment of the idea to the measurement of results obtained from its implementation. Additionally, each year the best suggestions are showcased, awarded and recognized by Senior Management.


Reconhecer o espírito inovador de seus colaboradores é uma prática adotada pela ENGIE em todo o mundo. Uma das iniciativas que refletem essa valorização é o ONE ENGIE Awards – premiação anual, de âmbito global, que destaca soluções inovadoras desenvolvidas pelos times da ENGIE em diferentes países, para superar desafios de gestão, tecnológicos, ambientais e sociais. Além de incentivar o engajamento dos colaboradores, o reconhecimento contribui para disseminar e replicar ideias bem-sucedidas, em direção ao progresso harmonioso.

INOVE Program

INOVE Program

An initiative for encouraging our employees to put their ideas down on paper and creat new products, services or improvements in administrative or operational services. Participants are rewarded, receiving virtual currencies – from the moment of enrollment of the idea to the measurement of results obtained from its implementation. Additionally, each year the best suggestions are showcased, awarded and recognized by Senior Management.

Innovation Trophies

Innovation Trophies

Recognition of the innovative spirit of its employees is a practice adopted by ENGIE throughout the world. One of the initiatives reflecting this approach is the ONE ENGIE Awards – an annual award on a global scale, which highlights innovative solutions developed by the teams at ENGIE in different countries to meet management, technological, environmental and social challenges. In addition to incentivizing employee engagement, the Awards recognize the contribution to disseminating and replicating successful ideas in the direction of harmonious progress.

Talentos inovadores

Talentos inovadores

A ENGIE participa do Programa Inova Talentos , uma iniciativa do Instituto Euvaldo Lodi (IEL) em parceria com o Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq), que tem por objetivo ampliar o quadro de profissionais em atividades de inovação e pesquisa na indústria. Integrados como bolsistas aos times da Companhia, esse profissionais atuam em projetos com duração de 12 a 24 meses, acompanhados por um tutor da ENGIE.

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